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Kuronga validates fresh produce quality with AI

At Kuronga we are using machine vision and deep learning to help farmers grade their produce so they can target the right quality to the right buyer.

Coordinated planting

Coordinated Planting

We work with farmers that demonstrate high quality standards to coordinate planting cycles between multiple farmers. This ensures stable scheduled delivery to market rather than the boom and bust cycles that typically characterise agricultural production.

AI On-Farm Grading

Farmers use our AI powered grading system to ensure the right quality is always delivered to the right buyer. Agricultural production always creates product variation. Our key insight Kuronga at is that there is a buyer for every grade of produce. Our AI helps farmers stratify their quality and target it to the appropriate market, maximising revenue, land use efficiency and reducing food waste.

Standardised Supply

By combining coordinated production cycles with our AI grading our growers deliver highly standardised supply collectively, controlling supply schedules, keeping them stable and predictable. Combined with our AI grading system grower collectives bring an unparalleled standardised quality to the marketplace.

Wilson's Story

Find a market with Kuronga

“We lost up to 4000* spinach bundles from our first harvest because we could not find a buyer.” - Wilson, Horticulture farmer, South Africa

*At average market prices, approx. valued at USD3000

The Problem

Farmer Supply

Farmer Supply

Farmers generally provide inconsistent supply and inconsistent quality.

Buyer Demand

Buyer Demand

Buyers are looking for consistent supply and consistent quality.

The Solution

Kuronga Solution

The Kuronga Approach

Kuronga solves supply consistency by coordinating delivery between multiple suppliers to stabalise supply over time. Kuronga's AI grading tools help ensure that the correct quality is always targeted to the correct market.


Africa 54
Africa 54
— Tendai co-founder and CEO at Kuronga speaks to Paul Ndiho over at Africa 54 about how we are using machine vision and AI to help farmers manage quality and get their crop delivered to the right market.
— Robin Fredericks over at BizCommunity talks about how Kuronga was founded and its win of the best use of 4IR in the Milken-Motsepe prize in Agritech.
Business wire
Business wire
— The Milken Institute and the Motsepe Foundation announce the winners of the Milken-Motsepe Prize in AgriTech, including Kuronga which won the prize for the most creative use of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies.

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